I'm a new user of the coawst model. I've been making bathy data from scratch following the guide in the website "https://www.myroms.org/wiki/seagrid".
However, when I used the join_cst command, it failed. My error is that:
Code: Select all
K>> coast_new=join_cst(coast,.0001); % join coastline segments closer than 0.0001 degrees
Error using matlab.graphics.axis.Axes/set
There is no aspectratio property on the Axes class.
Error in join_cst (line 33)
plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2),'g-');set(gca,'aspectratio',[nan 1]);
33 plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2),'g-');set(gca,'aspectratio',[nan 1]);
Thank all,