Dear ROMS community,
I currently have a regional simulation with strongly forced tide at one side of the four boundaries. At that side, I am specifying clamped OBC (i.e. specified) for zeta, ubar, vbar, u, v, T, and S in my boundary file. I have v==0.
Then, after the ROMS run was finished, I checked the values of different variables at that particular boundary in the ROMS output. All variables but the u velocity match the input in the boundary file. What I cannot understand is that why u does not match the corresponding value in the boundary file even though a clamped OBC for M3 is prescribed.
The figure below shows the comparison between boundary-forced u and the ROMS-outputted boundary values (both at the surface). The horizontal axis is days. I would appreciate your thoughts/advice on the cause of this.
Thanks and regards,