Maybe you did not compile NetCDF with a suitable HDF library?
Sometimes, it's tricky to compile NetCDF and HDF4/5 completely. Therefor, creating all nc files under format of "classic" or "64bit" which is "Original NetCDF format" could be an easier way to bypass re-compiling NetCDF and other libraries.
If possible, updating to a new version of ROMS will be the best choice. Since a certain version, "AVERAGES_DETIDE" does not add information into tide file but create a new one whose path is also defined on the file of Standard Input parameters (
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! Output file names:
! DAINAME Output data assimilation next cycle initial conditions (4D-Var
! analysis) or restart (Ensemble Kalman Filter, EnKF) file name.
! GSTNAME Output GST analysis re-start file name.
! RSTNAME Output re-start file name.
! HISNAME Output history file name.
! QCKNAME Output quicksave file name.
! TLFNAME Output impulse forcing for tangent linear (TLM and RPM) models.
! TLMNAME Output tangent linear file name.
! ADJNAME Output adjoint file name.
! AVGNAME Output averages file name.
! HARNAME Output least-squares detiding harmonics file name.
! DIANAME Output diagnostics file name.
! STANAME Output stations file name.
! FLTNAME Output floats file name.