Dear Roms users:
Is there any way to successfully compile Rect.f to make a grid with Seagrid using mex in matlab 2014a with ubuntu 14.04 system. Because according to what a readed in other posts people are having trouble whith it and instead turning to some version that is only for windows, but that is not an option for me. I found the following problem when i tried to run make_seagrid_mex
wait for the figure to finish plotting, then hit any key to continue
Warning: Neither -compatibleArrayDims nor -largeArrayDims is selected.
Using -compatibleArrayDims. In the future, MATLAB will require
the use of -largeArrayDims and remove the -compatibleArrayDims
option. For more information, see: ... t-api.html
/home/elendil/installs/MATLAB/bin/mexsh: 30: ./ Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting "in")
Unable to complete successfully.
Error in make_seagrid_mex (line 15)
mex -f ./ -v mexrect.F
another question: Cold I use the Rect.F code directly, outside matlab, to make my grid ortogonal once the grid is created
thaks in advance
Luis Sorinas