Dear all, I ran the only swan model from COAWST;The swan.h file only has "#define SWAN_MODEL". The executable coawstM was created successfully.
However, when i ran "mpirun -n 4 ./coawstM", i got this error “forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred”. I had checked the source code. Then i found the code exit when it run to line 210 in COAWST/SWAN/Src/waves_control.F, "CALL mpi_comm_rank (WAV_COMM_WORLD, MyRank?, MyError?)". I thought that might be an error about MPI. I used the same of swan),, swan_coord.grd and wind files to run another swan model(not from COAWST). Everything runs ok! So i thought these files were correct.
I also tried to run only WRF model from COAWST with several cpu. The coawstM run well. Now, i am confused and do not know how to solve this problem.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.