I want to view the results of channel example, so i directly to execute the existing channel example without making any changes. but it shows the following problem:
Output/Input Files:
Output Restart File: channel_rst.nc
Output History File: channel_his.nc
READ_PHYPAR - could not find input file: channel_frc.nc
Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
ROMS/TOMS - I/O error ............... exit_flag: 4
ERROR: I/O related problem.
I download the newest ROMS code. for example, in the file of ocean_channel.in, it shows that !svn $Id: ocean_channel.in 719 2014-03-13 22:25:13Z arango $’. Since the channel model uses the analytic values from Functionals, why it still asks for channel_frc.nc, I don't know how to deal it?
can't operate the example of channel
Re: can't operate the example of channel
Looking over channel.h, it only defineds ANA_SMFLUX if SOLVE3D is defined - and SOLVE3D is not on. You need some sort of SMFLUX for the 2D case too.