Hydrodynamic Modeling Position

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Hydrodynamic Modeling Position

#1 Unread post by frank.aikman »

Hydrodynamic Modeling Position

The UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs in cooperation with NOAA’s Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL) is seeking applications for a hydrodynamic modeling position. The successful applicant will participate in projects to develop, improve and apply hydrodynamic models in estuarine and coastal waters. The applicant will also be responsible for the application and development of tools to evaluate model output including visualization and statistical measures of quality. Experience in numerical hydrodynamic water circulation modeling is required and experience in simulation of changes in water level and inundation (including tidal, storm surge, and sea level rise processes) is desirable. The preferred approach is through use of an unstructured grid model, such as ADCIRC, to simulate water level time series and fields.

A well-qualified applicant should have experience developing model applications of unstructured grid hydrodynamic models for coastal regions driven by water level and meteorological forcing. This includes models with grid refinement designed to capture important coastal features down to a few hundred meters or less. The candidate will participate in the development and evaluation of models of coastal storm surge inundation. Multiple projects are underway within CSDL to study state of the art hurricane storm surge models, including boundary condition specification and model accuracy. The candidate may also be part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency scientific team to simulate and study the effects of sea level rise on coastal processes. As a part of these studies, several component models are being developed that include a spatially explicit hydrodynamic circulation model. The ideal candidate would also have experience in coupling with models for meteorological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes.

The position will be filled initially by a one-year contract, with the high probability of additional years of support. This position is with the Marine Modeling and Analysis Programs branch of CSDL in Silver Spring, Maryland. The applicant will use a variety of existing programs and software and will develop new Unix, Linux, Fortran, C, and/or MATLAB software to handle unique problems. Work will be performed both by working alone and as a member of a team, using PCs, workstation computers, and cluster computers. Results will be written up in technical publications and may be presented at scientific meetings and workshops.

Education: Applicants should have either a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in ocean science, earth science, or a related field.

Visitors to CSDL will be employees of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and subject to and covered by UCAR policies with respect to all personnel matters. The selected candidate will receive a fixed annual salary. The excellent benefits include health and dental insurance, sick and annual leave, paid holidays, mandatory participation in a retirement fund (TIAA/CREF), and life insurance.

Application deadline: The review process will begin on 1 August 2006, and will remain open until filled.

To apply, send the following materials to UCAR/VSP:

• A cover letter identifying this position
• Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications, technical reports and professional presentations
• Names and addresses of three professional references (applicants should request letters be sent to UCAR/VSP as soon as possible)
• Ph.D. or Master’s thesis title(s) and abstract(s)
• One to two page statement of experience and interests as related to goals of this position

Send application materials to:

Meg Austin, Director
UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs
P.O. Box 3000,
Boulder, CO 80307 3000 USA

When responding, please mention where this advertisement was listed. For further information on this and other UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs, call 303 497 8649, send e mail to vsp@ucar.edu, or visit website: http://www.vsp.ucar.edu

UCAR is an EO/AAE and values and encourages diversity in the workplace
Last edited by frank.aikman on Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Unread post by arango »

Dear Colleagues,

NOAA's Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL), in cooperation with the UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs, is seeking applications for two hydrodynamic modeling positions. The successful applicants will participate in projects to develop, improve and apply hydrodynamic models in estuarine and coastal waters. Experience in numerical hydrodynamic water circulation modeling is required and experience in simulation of changes in water level and inundation (including tidal, storm surge, and sea level rise processes) is desirable. The positions will be filled initially by a one year contract, with the high probability of additional years of support. These positions are with the Marine Modeling and Analysis Programs branch of CSDL in Silver Spring, Maryland.

The application deadline is 1 August 2006, but will remain open until filled.

To apply, please follow the directions in the above announcement and send the application materials to Meg Austin, Director, UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 3000 USA (303 497 8649). For additional information also see http://www.vsp.ucar.edu

Thank You,

Frank Aikman
Chief, Marine Modeling & Analysis Programs
Coast Survey Development Laboratory
National Ocean Service, NOAA, N/CS13
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-713-2809 x101

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