I have recently started to use rslice, when I try to open my netcdf file, rslice doesn´t give me any error, but I only get a white figure. When I run rslice, I get:
>> rslice('file','mycase_his.nc')
Acquiring h...
Acquiring pm...
Acquiring pn...
Acquiring x_rho...
Acquiring y_rho...
Acquiring x_u...
Acquiring y_u...
Acquiring x_v...
Acquiring y_v...
Acquiring x_psi...
Acquiring y_psi...
Acquiring mask_rho...
Acquiring mask_u...
Acquiring mask_v...
Acquiring mask_psi...
And I take the figure :
The range of the variable is ok, but I don´t know how to plot it.
When I open the upwelling case netcdf, rslice plots the figure in the correct way.
When I use a grid from seagrid, rslice plot right the figure, but not when came from easygrid. Looking the *.nc file, it seem like seagrid works on lat,lon and easygrid on X,Y, but I don´t know how to fix the problem.
Someone could help me?? Thanks a lot.