For a complete job posting, go here.
General Duties/Description:
A scientific programmer is needed to support a numerical modeling study to understand the dynamics of hypoxia in Hood Canal, Washington, and investigate efficacy of proposed remedial actions.
Tasks include:
(1) development of a dissolved oxygen module for ROMS;
(2) configuration and implementation of the model for Hood Canal;
(3) assembly of forcing and verification data sets for the model runs;
(4) verification of the model; and
(5) performance of scenario-based model experiments.
# A bachelor's degree in Oceanography or related field is required
# Three-years job-related experience
# Knowledge in the areas of: numerical modeling of marine hydrodynamics and ecosystem; Fortran 95 programming; and Unix or Mac OS X operating systems.
# The successful candidate will be using Rutgers University's Regional Oceanographic Modeling System (ROMS), and familiarity with ROMS is highly desirable.
# Knowledge of parallel computing using Message Passing Interface (MPI) is desirable.
Condition of Employment:
This is a part-time position, 50% FTE. The position is funded for 2.5 years.