Research Scientist position, Physical/Biological modeling with ROMS
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and the Ocean (JISAO)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
JISAO has an outstanding opportunity for a Research Scientist/Engineer 2. The position will be full-time; a part-time appointment could also be considered for applicants with appropriate skills. The Scientist will be situated at the Sandpoint campus of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and will collaborate with investigators across the country. The desired start date is August 1, 2006.
This individual will support numerical modeling studies of decadal-scale changes in oceanographic circulation and biology of the coastal Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea as part of an ecosystem research program (GLOBEC) of NSF/NOAA, and the Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) of NOAA. The model currently in use is the Rutgers University / UCLA Regional Oceanographic Modeling System (ROMS) version 3+, which provides both biological modeling and data assimilation capabilities. Current projects involve a variety of grid scales and a constantly evolving suite of input data, which must be managed and understood. Model output is validated using the data obtained during extensive field programs, and is distributed for use by GLOBEC and FOCI scientific investigators and ecosystem managers.
Additionally, the person in this role will:
Customize, debug, and execute the ROMS model, prepare and evaluate input data, and manage massive amounts of model output.
Evaluate the quality of model output using animations of model output and other model validation techniques involving oceanographic data.
Maintain Web pages describing the projects and results.
Contribute publication quality figures to presentations and articles.
• A Master’s degree in Oceanography, Computer Science, or related physical or biological sciences, or a Batchelor’s degree and two years of related work experience.
• FORTRAN95 and UNIX programming skills, including the ability to manage large amounts of complex code in cooperation with investigators at other institutions.
• Interest in model validation, and familiarity with oceanographic data and principles.
• Self-motivated work habits, awareness of deadlines and project goals, and organizational abilities.
For further details and instructions for applicants, go to the University of Washington employment website
and select job req # 22241
Albert J. Hermann
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
ph: (206)-526-6495 fax: (206)-526-6485