Point sources of passive tracer

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Point sources of passive tracer

#1 Unread post by staalstrom »


I run roms 2.2.
The model is working with passive tracer dye_01 initiated in the ini NetCDF file. But I want the dye to be put into the model with a river.

TS_MPDATA, TS_DIF2, TS_PSOURCE and UV_PSOURCE is defined inn cppdefs.h.

I added this to varinfo.dat

'river_dye_' ! Input
'river runoff dye concentration'
'kilogram meter-3' ! [kg/m3]
'river_dye, scalar, series'

And I made a river forcing file with river_dye_01 with concentration=1 in the top layer. The model run without any problem, but no dye concentration was added to dye_01 in the history file.

The river_flag is set to 3 in the river forcing file.

Andre Staalstrom

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#2 Unread post by zhang »

I've never used 2.2. But for the latest version of ROMS we can get using svn, there are more than one place we need to change to add point source for a passive tracer.
Some changes in Nonlinear/get_idata.F is required to turn on SOURCES(ng)%Lsrc and SOURCES(ng)%Ltracer for the added passive tracer. in Modules/mod_ncparam.F, you need to add a case for the index variable name you added in varinfo.dat. There might be more than these. I did it more than a year ago. These are what I can think of now.

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#3 Unread post by kate »

In modern ROMS, you need to check the writing of passive tracers in the input file as well:

Hout(inert) == T ! inert passive tracers

Check that you have this, that inp_par is reading this, and that def_his and wrt_his know about it as well.


Re: Point sources of passive tracer

#4 Unread post by gianni »

I already use passive tracers in the initial condition successfully but now I want the dye to be put into the model with a river. Before starting modifying roms code I would ask to Andre Staalstrom if he finally have done it well and if I need to know more than what is written in this topic.
Thank you in advance,

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