I made 2D ROMS, but I couldn't add Uwind, Vwind, Pair.
I'd like to put those variables in my model.
I can put those variables by using BULK_FLUX.F But, it has to be 3D model to use BULK_FlUX.F.
Just I'd like to know how can I put Uwind, Vwind. Pair to 2D ROMS.
I'm looking forward to your reply.Thank you
how to add Uwind Vwind Pair
Re: how to add Uwind Vwind Pair
Do you have a formula for obtaining the wind stresses from the winds? That's what BULK_FLUXES does in the 3-D case. You will have to code in your formula with a cpp flag of your own and work through adding all the appropriate bits to ROMS. The same sort of work needs to be done for Pair - how you use it, how to tell ROMS it needs it.