EDITBATHYMETRY - Tool to modify bathymetry by hand

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EDITBATHYMETRY - Tool to modify bathymetry by hand

#1 Unread post by andres »

Hi all,

Just an announcement to release a beta version of
EDITBATHYMETRY, a program we wrote to modify a bathymetry
file to better represent depth near coastal areas. It was
inspired by the editmask tool (Andrey Shcherbina) and also
by ROMS_TOOLS (Pierrick Penven et al).

Please take a look at the rough wikipage/manual at


In RED is what is missing. In GREEN what should be ok.

a) ManualManual de instrucciones

b) Define depth with keyboard. Define depth depth by right-click on the map.
c) See depth and position on the map with the mouse.
d) Individual callback for map and colorbar
e) Open and Save NetCDf files

f) Different colormap for land and sea.
g) Change colors when changing the range of the colorbar.
h) UNDO button
i) Interpolatión between nearby values
j) R-Value
k) Smoothing

Comments, suggestions and contributions are much welcome.
Andres Sepulveda

Geophysics Department
University of Concepcion

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