Dear colleagues.
In the latest version of ROMS, sea ice module appeared in /ROMS/Nonlinear/SeaIce.
For successfully compile ROMS, it is necessary to define the following CPP options:
#define AVERAGES /* use if writing out NLM time-averaged data */
#define ICE_MODEL /* to activate sea-ice model */
#define ICE_ALBEDO
#define ICE_THERMO /* if thermodynamic component */
#define ICE_BULK_FLUXES /* if ice part of bulk flux computation */
ICE_ALBEDO is not specified in /ROMS/Include/cppdefs.h
sea ice in Version 4.3
Re: sea ice in Version 4.3
Which tool is used to generate the clim and ini file from GLORYS when running roms with SeaIce?