Dear Hernan and the rest of DA community,
I've noticed that in the latest ROMS build (updated today to 1037) we have output of the ADJ model in the "average file" output ( and then for new outer loops in etc).
Is there a way to get average output from the NLM model (analysis in the last sweep) and/or (background)?
I can see that now we have files holding all info from NLM trajectories (0 is background, 1 is first outer loop etc).
This is quite useful to track changing NLM background around which we are computing corrections. In the similar way multiple outer loops are saved in single quick files.
If I wanted to get final corrections being made for say shflux,sustr,svstr I could do simple ncks -y sub -v shflux,sustr,svstr -o (where X is the last outer loop - should be the final sweep?).
Is this still the case with the new output scheme?
I guess ROMS is using classical NLM file names (like avg) to store ADJ values. This is great but we might need old NLMs as well.
Thanks for your answer in advance,