I have been looking at a specific blowup and I'm wondering if there is an instability caused by the combination of wet-dry flux-inhibitor and the multiple time levels used in the predictor-corrector scheme.
The "three-time" Adams-Moulton corrector has a negative sign for the oldest contribution, in step2d_LF_AM3.h we have:
Code: Select all
vbar(i,j,knew)=(vbar(i,j,kstp)* &
& (Dstp(i,j)+Dstp(i,j-1))+ &
& cff*(cff1*rhs_vbar(i,j)+ &
& cff2*rvbar(i,j,kstp)- &
& cff3*rvbar(i,j,ptsk)))*fac
Code: Select all
Is this possible, and has anybody ran into this issue?
Link to time-stepping schemes:
https://www.myroms.org/wiki/Time-steppi ... B_Feedback