I am trying to do a working application for a real scheme, but I always get a BLOWUP termination.
Now I don't sure about my input data, thus I have decided to try my data steep by steep: first of all, i must probe the grid...
At the beginning I compiled and run the upwelling example (with 6x7 size partition) with good results.
Next, I modified the upweling.h file, changued the "#define ANA_GRID" directive with the "#undef ANA_GRID" one, so I have specified my test grid on the ocean_upwelling.in file (GRDNAME)...
The only others changes that I have done in the ocean_upwelling.in file were:
- The Lm and Mm values, according to my test grid.
- The NtileI and NtileJ (6x7), according with my cluster characteristics,
Then I prepared some test grids for doing probes...
The result was that if the test grid has some land (masking or marked by a depth of 0), the application BLOWUPs. But if the test grid has not land, the application runs ok...
I have tried to add some grid and mask related definitions in "upwelling.h", like "MASKING", "ANA_MASK" or "CURVGRID", and probe change the "THETA_B", "THETA_S" and "TCLINE" parameters in the "ocean_upwelling.in" file, with identical results....
The test grid I have used is a slope in the west-east direction...
You can see a representation of the bathymetry of the test grid without mask at http://web.usc.es/~rdlazaro/slope_without_land.png and the grid with mask at http://web.usc.es/~rdlazaro/slope_with_land.png
When the application does a blowup termination (land test), the energy (kinetic and potential) appears as NaN...
Others strange info from the roms output where:
Code: Select all
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = NaN m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = NaN m
Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = NaN (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = NaN (Haney)
Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = NaN m3
MinVolume = NaN m3
MaxVolume = NaN m3
Max/Min = 0.00000000000000E+00
How can I do for use a grid with masking land in the upwelling example??
Best regards.