How does ROMS treat daily river_transport in the model?

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How does ROMS treat daily river_transport in the model?

#1 Unread post by wolfegg »

Hi all,
Recently, I tried to add river discharge in ROMS model as a source point.
In my, I set:
LuvSrc == T
LwSrc == F
LtracerSrc == F T

I downloaded observed river discharges from USGS website. The observed time series is in an interval of 5 minutes. The river discharge (in .nc) for ROMS model is set to be daily. So, to get to river forcing file, whether should I sum up the observed discharges within a day to get a daily series, or use daily average? Do anyone know about how ROMS treat the river forcing while calculation?


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Re: How does ROMS treat daily river_transport in the model?

#2 Unread post by kate »

The river discharge does not have to be daily. If you want to provide hourly, go for it. ROMS will linearly interpolate between available records to set the discharge of the moment.

Code: Select all

LtracerSrc == F T
Setting the temperature to False here could easily lead to an instability. Better to take a wild guess as to the temperature and provide it to the model.

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Re: How does ROMS treat daily river_transport in the model?

#3 Unread post by wolfegg »

Thank you Kate! I change the resolution of river forcing to be 15 min. As for my case, it is essential to resolve the salinity pattern in an estuary.

Many thanks!

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