ROMS/TOMS Plotting

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ROMS/TOMS Plotting

#1 Unread post by thaitlhp »

i'm Installing the ROMS/TOMS Plotting Package follow : ... #Compiling
but when i " sudo make" i get this:

make: /opt/g95soft/serial/netcdf4/bin/nc-config: Command not found
make: /opt/g95soft/serial/netcdf4/bin/nc-config: Command not found
cd Build_plt; -c -fno-second_underscore -g -fbounds-check curlz.f90
/bin/sh: 1: -c: not found
Utility/ recipe for target 'Build_plt/curlz.o' failed
make: *** [Build_plt/curlz.o] Error 127
i just use Ubuntu

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Re: ROMS/TOMS Plotting

#2 Unread post by kate »

/opt/g95soft/serial/netcdf4/bin/nc-config: Command not found
You should have nc-config and/or nf-config in your path. Do you have them and what is the path to them?
cd Build_plt; -c -fno-second_underscore -g -fbounds-check curlz.f90
I wrote it up here.

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