How to set the coordinate system (spherical or Cartesian)

Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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How to set the coordinate system (spherical or Cartesian)

#1 Unread post by marinekame »

Hi all,

Please let me know how to set the spherical coordinate system or Cartesian coordinate system in ROMS.

Is it set Manually by options in ROMS setting files by the user ?
Or Automatically by the coordinate system used in the input NetCDF files ?


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Re: How to set the coordinate system (spherical or Cartesian

#2 Unread post by kate »

There's a "spherical" flag that the model reads from the grid file or from ana_grid.h. Most analytic cases have spherical=.false. but BENCHMARK has it set to .true.

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Re: How to set the coordinate system (spherical or Cartesian

#3 Unread post by marinekame »

Hi, kate.
Thank you very much !

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