CROCO users' meeting

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CROCO users' meeting

#1 Unread post by Rachid »

Dear all

Please find below the announcement for CROCO users meeting. CROCO is the follow-on of ROMS-AGRIF and part of a French national initiative for regional modeling.

CROCO version 1.0 will soon be ready and we feel that it is time to introduce its capabilities to the coastal modeling community at large. The goal of CROCO is to unite coastal modelers behind a modern code that can bridge the gap between fine scale non-hydrostatic processes and deep water processes. CROCO is a new oceanic modeling system built upon ROMS_AGRIF, the non-hydrostatic kernel of Symphonie-NH, and MARS3D interfaces. It is in the process of being coupled to many components as: atmosphere, waves, sediments, biogeochemical cycles, and ecosystems.

The format of the meeting is as follows:

Day 1: Presentation of CROCO's capabilities by the lead developers + existing CROCO applications
Day 2: Oral (and poster if necessary) presentations by participants on their latest research and how they see themselves transitioning to CROCO or adding capabilities to CROCO
Day 3 (half day): Moving forward - working groups to better define the needs of the community.

The meeting will take place May 22-24, 2017 at LEGOS, Toulouse, France.
For details on logistics (venue, directions, registration, hotels, etc.), please go to

Please register as soon as possible by providing your name, affiliation, title and abstract of your presentation using the following link :

R. Benshila, E.Chassignet and P. Marchesiello for the CROCO developers

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