Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simulatio

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Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simulatio

#1 Unread post by tikasekar »

Dear users,
I'm using ROMS_AGRIF for running the storm tide simulation. I've read some article in ROMS's forum and wiki, but i still confuse about many things.

1. I read this in roms wiki: "The User can provide the net surface heat flux at input or activate the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer of the model to compute both the net heat flux and wind stress from atmospheric fields." I think if we provide the surface net het flux at input, it means the surface net heat flux data are stored at roms_frc as the ROMS provided from COADS's data and if we activate the ocean-atnosphere boundary layer, it means we have to turn on BULK_FLUX in cppdef then the model will compute the net heat flux, isn't it? Please correct me if i'm wrong.

2. If the roms_blk has the surface net heat flux data too, what's the differences between roms_frc and roms_blk in calculating the surface net heat flux? Which one the model use when both of those files are exist? Because i think the surface net heat flux at roms_frc is a default setting (it will appear when we generate make_forcing). I still confuse about the calculation in roms_frc and roms_blk files and what the model will do for those files.

3. ROMS isn't providing the surface air pressure and cloud fraction data, is it? So, if we want to compute the air pressure (in this case, i run storm tide simulation), we have to input those files by ourself, don't we?

4. I've read about 'apply the atmosphere pressure in storm simulation' from roms forum (viewtopic.php?t=324) But, i still confuse about it. It said that we need to change some setting in ana_pair, prsgrd32.h, etc. But, after i open my files in ROMS, i can't find those files. Is the setting for ROMS_AGRIF is different?

Thank you.

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Re: Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simul

#2 Unread post by kate »

tikasekar wrote:Dear users,
I'm using ROMS_AGRIF for running the storm tide simulation. I've read some article in ROMS's forum and wiki, but i still confuse about many things.

1. I read this in roms wiki: "The User can provide the net surface heat flux at input or activate the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer of the model to compute both the net heat flux and wind stress from atmospheric fields." I think if we provide the surface net het flux at input, it means the surface net heat flux data are stored at roms_frc as the ROMS provided from COADS's data and if we activate the ocean-atnosphere boundary layer, it means we have to turn on BULK_FLUX in cppdef then the model will compute the net heat flux, isn't it? Please correct me if i'm wrong.
You are right. However, you are using ROMS_AGRIF (croco) and I don't know that much about it. Are they doing things the same way with bulk fluxes?
2. If the roms_blk has the surface net heat flux data too, what's the differences between roms_frc and roms_blk in calculating the surface net heat flux? Which one the model use when both of those files are exist? Because i think the surface net heat flux at roms_frc is a default setting (it will appear when we generate make_forcing). I still confuse about the calculation in roms_frc and roms_blk files and what the model will do for those files.
In the code, you check get_data.F to see when it will read which fields.
3. ROMS isn't providing the surface air pressure and cloud fraction data, is it? So, if we want to compute the air pressure (in this case, i run storm tide simulation), we have to input those files by ourself, don't we?
Yes, but again check get_data to see when it will read what.
4. I've read about 'apply the atmosphere pressure in storm simulation' from roms forum (viewtopic.php?t=324) But, i still confuse about it. It said that we need to change some setting in ana_pair, prsgrd32.h, etc. But, after i open my files in ROMS, i can't find those files. Is the setting for ROMS_AGRIF is different?
It's a very different code. The air pressure being added to pressure gradients came to the myroms code long after the split from Sasha's input. I don't know if the croco developers added it independently.

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Re: Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simul

#3 Unread post by tikasekar »

Dear Kate,
Thank you for the fast response.
I'm still on my way to understand the calculation of the bulk parametrization in ROMS_AGRIF.
I've opened get_data.F and this is what i get

# if !defined ANA_PAIR && (defined BULK_FLUXES || defined ECOSIM || \
defined ATM_PRESS)
! Surface air pressure.
CALL get_2dfld (ng, iNLM, idPair, ncFRCid(idPair,ng), &
& nFfiles(ng), FRCname(1,ng), update(1), &
& LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, 2, 1, &
# ifdef MASKING
& GRID(ng) % rmask(LBi,LBj), &
# endif
& FORCES(ng) % PairG(LBi,LBj,1))
# endif

Did i get the right file? If yes, which part of it that shows the calculation of surface net heat flux and atmospheric pressure?

I really appreciate the help.
Best regards,

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Re: Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simul

#4 Unread post by kate »

That's the myroms get_data.F, isn't it? You need to see what ROMS_AGRIF is doing instead. Under what circumstances does it read air pressure? How does it use it?

As for surface heat flux computations, there must be a bulk flux routine in ROMS_AGRIF too. Also, do they have their own forum for questions such as this? That might be more helpful than asking those of us who don't know.

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Re: Confuse about roms_frc and roms_blk for storm tide simul

#5 Unread post by tikasekar »

Dear Kate,
Thank you for your response.
Yes, it is from myroms. Regarding on my last question, i'm still trying to understand about the calculation in other files, so that, hopefully, i can apply it in ROMS_AGRIF. I'll find out about it more. Thank you for your help, i really appreciate it.

Best regards,

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