I was thinking of writing a script using NCO's NCAP2 to average the U,V velocity components to rho points and rotating to true east/north. Then I thought someone might already have done that. True?
And yes, I know how to do this in Matlab or Python. Was just looking for the fastest way.
NCO script to average (u,v) to rho points and rotate to E/W?
Re: NCO script to average (u,v) to rho points and rotate to
a real fast way is to set these flags to True
Hout(idu3dE) == T ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv3dN) == T ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idu2dE) == T ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv2dN) == T ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idUairE) == T ! Uwind_eastward surface U-wind
Hout(idVairN) == T ! Vwind_northward surface V-wind
Hout(idu3dE) == T ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv3dN) == T ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idu2dE) == T ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv2dN) == T ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idUairE) == T ! Uwind_eastward surface U-wind
Hout(idVairN) == T ! Vwind_northward surface V-wind
Re: NCO script to average (u,v) to rho points and rotate to
Thanks John, that for sure is the fastest way!
Unfortunately we've got a bunch of existing ROMS output from different providers, so I'm still interested if anyone has a fast post-model-run solution, using NCO or otherwise.
Unfortunately we've got a bunch of existing ROMS output from different providers, so I'm still interested if anyone has a fast post-model-run solution, using NCO or otherwise.
Re: NCO script to average (u,v) to rho points and rotate to
I wrote a script to do this, with help from Rich.
Code: Select all
queequeg:sandbox wilkin$ cat uvrhotate.sh
# Usage: uvrhotate.sh roms_netcdf_file [newromsfile]
# Rotates the grid direction velocity in a ROMS output file to geographic east/north
# coordinates and reports this on a reduced rho-points centered grid (reduced because the
# first/last row/column of data is lost in the interpolation to the rho points).
# Reduced grid coordinates are named lon_red,lat_red
# Uses NCO tools http://http://nco.sourceforge.net
# John Wilkin and Rich Signell
# October 4, 2014
# handy functions from http://nco.sourceforge.net/nco.html#Filters-for-ncks
function ncdmnsz { ncks -m -M ${2} | grep -E -i ": ${1}, size =" | cut -f 7 -d ' ' | uniq ; }
function ncattget { ncks -M -m ${3} | grep -E -i "^${2} attribute [0-9]+: ${1}" | cut -f 11- -d ' ' | sort ; }
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo "No argument supplied"
echo "Usage: uvrhotate.sh romsfile.nc [new_romsfile.nc]"
# set the file to process
if [ "$#" -eq "1" ]
# set the output file name
echo "Output file will be $romsout"
# name of time coordinate variable (it might be "time" in FMRC instead of "ocean_time")
# time=ocean_time
time=`ncattget time u $roms`
# get dimensions
xi_rho=`ncdmnsz eta_rho $roms`
eta_rho=`ncdmnsz eta_rho $roms`
let "xm3 = $xi_rho-3"
let "xm2 = $xi_rho-2"
let "em3 = $eta_rho-3"
let "em2 = $eta_rho-2"
# extract just u, v, angle and their coordinates
ncks --overwrite -v u,v $roms test.nc
# u velocity
# eta_rho and eta_u match, but xi_rho and xi_u do not
# extract two files shifted in xi, and clip the first and last eta
# don't get the coordinates because they will be specified later from the reduced subset
# of rho points lon/lat
ncks --overwrite -C -v u,$time -d xi_u,0,$xm3 -d eta_u,1,$em2 test.nc testuL.nc # lower bound
ncks --overwrite -C -v u,$time -d xi_u,1,$xm2 -d eta_u,1,$em2 test.nc testuU.nc # upper
# average these two to get u on the rho points
ncra --overwrite testuL.nc testuU.nc u.nc
ncrename --dimension xi_u,xi_red u.nc
ncrename --dimension eta_u,eta_red u.nc
# v velocity
# xi_rho and xi_v match, but eta_rho and eta_v do not
# extract two files shifted in eta, and clip the first and last xi
ncks --overwrite -C -v v,$time -d xi_v,1,$xm2 -d eta_v,0,$em3 test.nc testvL.nc # lower
ncks --overwrite -C -v v,$time -d xi_v,1,$xm2 -d eta_v,1,$em2 test.nc testvU.nc # upper
# average these two to get v on the rho points
ncra --overwrite testvL.nc testvU.nc v.nc
ncrename --dimension xi_v,xi_red v.nc
ncrename --dimension eta_v,eta_red v.nc
# get angle for this subset of rho points
ncks --overwrite -v angle,lon_rho,lat_rho -d xi_rho,1,$xm2 -d eta_rho,1,$em2 $roms uvangle.nc
ncrename --dimension xi_rho,xi_red uvangle.nc
ncrename --dimension eta_rho,eta_red uvangle.nc
# combine all into one file
ncks -A u.nc v.nc
ncks -A v.nc uvangle.nc
# Now the file uvangle.nc has the u and v components averaged to the same rho points, and
# the angle centered at those same rho points.
# Next apply rotation with ncap2 ...
# I believe the appropriate equation is
# ueast=Real((Uroms+i*Vroms)*exp(i*angle)) ue =u*cos(angle)-v*sin(angle)
# vnorth=Imag((Uroms+i*Vroms)*exp(i*angle)) vn = u*sin(angle)+v*cos(angle)
ncap2 -O -s 'ue=u*cos(angle)-v*sin(angle)' -s 'vn=u*sin(angle)+v*cos(angle)' uvangle.nc final.nc
# make the coordinate names and attributes consistent
ncrename -v lon_rho,lon_red final.nc
ncrename -v lat_rho,lat_red final.nc
ncatted -a coordinates,ue,m,c,"lon_red lat_red s_rho $time" final.nc
ncatted -a coordinates,vn,m,c,"lon_red lat_red s_rho $time" final.nc
# add standard name to new variables
ncatted -a standard_name,ue,a,c,"eastward_sea_water_velocity" final.nc
ncatted -a standard_name,vn,a,c,"northward_sea_water_velocity" final.nc
# append new data to copy of input file
cp $roms $romsout
ncks -A final.nc $romsout
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu