Raleigh Hood, Tom Gross and Chris Brown are searching for an ecosystem / biogeochemical modeler for their MERHAB (Monitoring and Event Response to Harmful Algal Blooms) Project in which they are developing and implementing a system to nowcast and forecast three harmful algal blooms species in Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The method they have proposed involves using real-time and short-term forecast data acquired and derived from a variety of sources, such as satellites and hydrodynamic models, and techniques to drive multi-variate empirical habitat models that predict the probability of blooms caused by these particular HAB species. The person selected would be responsible for tuning and validating the ecosystem module(s) that comes embedded with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for Chesapeake Bay. The hydrodynamic setup is almost complete and they're preparing to initiate the ecosystem work.
If you are interested please contact Christopher.W.Brown@noaa.gov