Yes,i think you are right that roms needs SH for calculate the other term, but roms wants RH from input in uint % (am i right?). And i dont
follow why you did that for multiply the
sh from NECP by 1000 to transform into g/kg unit. That dose not make any
I think so as follows.
1、As i can learn from the code that roms needs relative humidity.
Code: Select all
'Qair' ! Input
'surface air [color=#FF0000]relative humidity[/color]' ! relative or specific
'percentage' ! [percentage or g/kg ]
'Qair, scalar, series'
'r2dvar' ! relative specific
1.0d0 ! 1/100 or 1.0
I want to believe it's not a typo here and its unit should be percentage.
2、We can see the data type and unit in file from NECP indicates
specific humidity(sh) and
kg/kg.So there ought to be
a transformation from SH to RH.
Code: Select all
! Compute specific humidity, Q (kg/kg).
IF ( THEN !RH fraction
cff=cff*RH !Vapor pres (mb)
Q(i)=0.62197_r8*(cff/(PairM-0.378_r8*cff)) !Spec hum (kg/kg)
ELSE !RH input was actually specific humidity in g/kg
Q(i)=RH/1000.0_r8 !Spec Hum (kg/kg)
From here and after, i know that roms needs Q(i), that is SH, through i dont konw why a IF...ELSE loop there. Here Q(i) needs air vapor
pressure from RH and Saturation air vapor pressure. Later one can calculate from Tair and Pair, but RH should be inputted.
3、We have Pair,Tair,sh from NECP, so the RH can be received by a formular
RH=sh/SH. sh directly get from NECP and SH be from 0.622*(P(H2O)/(Pair-P(H2O)).
Anyway, it's mine understanding on this point. Frankly, i dont have a thorough grasp of some terms and units, e.g.
Code: Select all
! Compute air saturation vapor pressure (mb), using Teten formula.
cff=(1.0007_r8+3.46E-6_r8*PairM)*6.1121_r8* &
& EXP(17.502_r8*TairC(i)/(240.97_r8+TairC(i)))
Here cff is the air saturation vapor pressure and i have never seen the trem
(1.0007_r8+3.46E-6_r8*PairM) before. Is it saying that if we omit this term, cff is the actual air vapor pressure at a given Tair?
Any recommendation/comment would be appreciated, thanks.
- Shou