Search found 34 matches
- Fri Sep 03, 2021 1:57 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: Incorporating phytoplankton floating (Fennel model)
- Replies: 6
- Views: 14914
Re: Incorporating phytoplankton floating (Fennel model)
You can represent phytoplankton as Lagrangian particles which have biological responses to environmental conditions and active vertical migration behaviors. There is code in the ROMS distribution for oyster larvae which could be converted to phytoplankton with vertical migration. However, this is ...
- Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:53 am
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: Request: Numerical modeling course syllabi
- Replies: 11
- Views: 14539
Re: Request: Numerical modeling course syllabi
I have taught an ocean modeling class a number of times over a number of years. My philosophy is that students need to know the basics before working with a publicly available ocean model (any of them). They also need to understand programming and debugging.
The class I teach lasts one semester ...
The class I teach lasts one semester ...
- Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:22 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: Baroclinic instability demonstration
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2105
Baroclinic instability demonstration
I am using ROMS as part of a GFD class as a way to demonstrate some processes that are hard to show with analytical math.
My latest failure is to illustrate baroclinic instability using a periodic zonal channel with linearly stratified (both y and z) initial conditions (matching the setup in G ...
My latest failure is to illustrate baroclinic instability using a periodic zonal channel with linearly stratified (both y and z) initial conditions (matching the setup in G ...
- Thu May 10, 2018 2:48 pm
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: all result = 0?
- Replies: 22
- Views: 26570
Re: all result = 0?
To add to Kate's suggestion, I would run this model for about 10 time steps having compiled with debug on in the compile script (however you compile the model). Run in scalar mode (one processor). Make sure that you turn on array bounds checking. This makes sure that arrays are defined and indexes ...
- Mon May 07, 2018 1:14 pm
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: all result = 0?
- Replies: 22
- Views: 26570
Re: all result = 0?
Given the values in the wind forcing file (10^34), I think these are all "missing values" for netcdf. Are you sure that you assigned variables to the forcing file? I would plot the wind speeds in the forcing file to see that they are what you wanted. If the forcing file is ok, then make sure that ...
- Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:25 pm
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: Difference between trunk/ROMS and COAWST/ROMS with Qout
- Replies: 3
- Views: 8835
Re: Difference between trunk/ROMS and COAWST/ROMS with Qout
My thanks to Ivicia. Adding the 4 lines fixed the problem. I can run the upwelling case and the estuary test without sediments.
Thanks for the quick response.
I am trying to set up an all analytical test ACC/Atlantic overturning model with sea ice (and maybe ice shelves). I will send ...
My thanks to Ivicia. Adding the 4 lines fixed the problem. I can run the upwelling case and the estuary test without sediments.
Thanks for the quick response.
I am trying to set up an all analytical test ACC/Atlantic overturning model with sea ice (and maybe ice shelves). I will send ...
- Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:31 pm
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: Difference between trunk/ROMS and COAWST/ROMS with Qout
- Replies: 3
- Views: 8835
Difference between trunk/ROMS and COAWST/ROMS with Qout
There is a curious difference between COAWST/ROMS(v1175) and trunk/ROMS (v854). The source code for both were obtained last week (July 20 2017).
The problem: I am trying to run the upwelling case in COAWST/ROMS to set up the environment. Both scalar and mpi compiles report an incorrect model ...
The problem: I am trying to run the upwelling case in COAWST/ROMS to set up the environment. Both scalar and mpi compiles report an incorrect model ...
- Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:30 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Correction to fennel.h
- Replies: 2
- Views: 14377
Re: Correction to fennel.h
I think this is an error that I created (sorry to add confusion).
I started with the spect_fennel.h model (svn 2232 2012-01-03) in the COAWST distribution (svn 1000, distributed Dec 15, 2014). I changed the spectral light representation in hte code based on GRASSLIGHT (a shallow water optical ...
I started with the spect_fennel.h model (svn 2232 2012-01-03) in the COAWST distribution (svn 1000, distributed Dec 15, 2014). I changed the spectral light representation in hte code based on GRASSLIGHT (a shallow water optical ...
- Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:49 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Correction to fennel.h
- Replies: 2
- Views: 14377
Correction to fennel.h
This error may have been identified before, but I did not see anything in the ecosystem discussion. Depending on how folks develop other ecosystem models, this error might have migrated to other ecosystem codes.
At the end of the sinking code in fennel.h, there are statements to remineralize ...
At the end of the sinking code in fennel.h, there are statements to remineralize ...
- Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:21 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
- Replies: 17
- Views: 41741
Re: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
I have figured out how nudging to climatology works, by doing some experiments. Here is my understanding, but I am happy to hear another
The climatology arrays are created (and indexed) in the order in which climatology is processed.
In my case, I have 16 tracers (T,S, 4 sediment ...
The climatology arrays are created (and indexed) in the order in which climatology is processed.
In my case, I have 16 tracers (T,S, 4 sediment ...
- Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:40 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
- Replies: 17
- Views: 41741
Re: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
The bio input file has the following lines:
LtracerCLM = 12*T
LnudgeTCLM = 12*T
so climatology should be managed and used.
Nudging to climatology does work with the imposed indexes, but the wrong variables are nudged to the wrong values.
LtracerCLM = 12*T
LnudgeTCLM = 12*T
so climatology should be managed and used.
Nudging to climatology does work with the imposed indexes, but the wrong variables are nudged to the wrong values.
- Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:31 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
- Replies: 17
- Views: 41741
Re: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
My "clever" solution to use explicit indexes for the climatology does not work. The climatology arrays don't have the indexes that I expect so the nudging is wrong.
I have gone back to the "proper" way to have a climatology. I could not find any example of a biological model that uses a ...
I have gone back to the "proper" way to have a climatology. I could not find any example of a biological model that uses a ...
- Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:01 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
- Replies: 17
- Views: 41741
Climatology and nudging in ecosystem models
I have an ecosystem model (a modification from Fennel.h) in which I would like to nudge nutrients to climatology. I am trying to define the climatology in ana_tclima.h with statements like those below. I also include "use mod_biology" in the module section which should give access to the biological ...
- Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:27 pm
- Forum: ROMS Usage
- Topic: alternating flow in constant depth channel.
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4084
alternating flow in constant depth channel.
I am trying to set up roms to represent alternating flow in a uniform depth channel (x-z). It is 40 km long and periodic in y. density is uniform. vertical viscosity is constant. The boundaries are open on east and west ends. I want the flow to have ubar = uo sin(2 pi t/period) for different choices ...
- Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:19 pm
- Forum: ROMS Problems
- Topic: Checkerboard instability
- Replies: 7
- Views: 8192
Re: Checkerboard instability
A checkerboard instability pattern is due horizontal diffusion/viscosity. Look at your time step relative to the grid spacing and horizontal diffusivity. With laplacian horizontal diffusivity A dt / dx^2 needs to be less than 1 (maybe 1/2) depending on the time stepping scheme. With variable ...
- Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:02 pm
- Forum: ROMS Usage
- Topic: surface mass sources (but not rivers)
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4503
Re: surface mass sources (but not rivers)
I was able to set up the source/sink flow based on John's suggestion (Thanks!). I can get a linear abyssal circulation driven by surface sources and sinks using LwSrc=true and LuvSrc=false, and using ana_psource.h to control sources/sinks.
The model limits the number of sources to 200. I have a ...
The model limits the number of sources to 200. I have a ...
- Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:04 pm
- Forum: ROMS Usage
- Topic: surface mass sources (but not rivers)
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4503
surface mass sources (but not rivers)
I would like to use roms to demonstrate the abyssal circulation in a homogeneous density model by applying surface mass sources and sinks. Is there a way to add mass to change d zeta/dt?
ana_psource seems to be designed as a lateral mass source (rivers) which also adds momentum along with mass. I ...
ana_psource seems to be designed as a lateral mass source (rivers) which also adds momentum along with mass. I ...
- Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:54 pm
- Forum: Job Opportunities
- Topic: Asst Professor position Old Dominion Univ in coastal process
- Replies: 0
- Views: 5011
Asst Professor position Old Dominion Univ in coastal process
The Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position to begin by fall 2016 in the area of coastal systems and processes. Specific areas of research we are most interested include:
• Processes and histories of ...
• Processes and histories of ...
- Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:16 pm
- Forum: ROMS Ecosystem
- Topic: light units for ec_Fobar
- Replies: 1
- Views: 13328
light units for ec_Fobar
What are the units for the light values (ec_Fobar) in mod_eclight?
I am trying to compare this model to the one in Gregg and Carder (1990) where Ho in that paper has units of W/m2/nanometer.
These value differ by about 10. Are these values in micromole photons/m2/s? Converting these units don't ...
I am trying to compare this model to the one in Gregg and Carder (1990) where Ho in that paper has units of W/m2/nanometer.
These value differ by about 10. Are these values in micromole photons/m2/s? Converting these units don't ...
- Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:12 pm
- Forum: Job Opportunities
- Topic: Assistant Professor opening at ODU
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4683
Assistant Professor opening at ODU
Tenure Track Faculty Position in Physical Oceanography
The Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University ( invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography. We seek a broad ...
The Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University ( invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography. We seek a broad ...
- Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:27 pm
- Forum: Job Opportunities
- Topic: Faculty position in Physical Oceanography at Old Dominion U
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4143
Faculty position in Physical Oceanography at Old Dominion U
Tenure Track Faculty Position in Physical Oceanography[/b]
The Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University ( invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography. Preference ...
The Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University ( invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography. Preference ...
- Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:49 pm
- Forum: Job Opportunities
- Topic: Postdoc opportunity at ODU - Antarctic regional models
- Replies: 0
- Views: 3571
Postdoc opportunity at ODU - Antarctic regional models
Post-doctoral Research Associate in Physical Oceanography. The Center
for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University has four
ongoing NSF-funded projects (Co-PIs: J. Klinck, M. Dinniman and
E. Hofmann) focused on various aspects of interactions ...
Post-doctoral Research Associate in Physical Oceanography. The Center
for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University has four
ongoing NSF-funded projects (Co-PIs: J. Klinck, M. Dinniman and
E. Hofmann) focused on various aspects of interactions ...
- Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:22 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: ROMS Particle Tracking
- Replies: 5
- Views: 11273
Re: ROMS Particle Tracking
The 4th order milne scheme was tested for accuracy against analytical flow (purely circular flow with oscillating vertical migration). The largest cause for error was the interpolation from the grid points to the particle location. With analytical flow fields (no interpolation) the path error was ...
- Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:58 am
- Forum: ROMS Tools and Techniques
- Topic: question about plotting
- Replies: 5
- Views: 7188
Re: question about plotting
I have seen this problem with the use of IDT, which is an interactive translator for ncar metacode. I have had trouble installing ncar graphics and getting idt to work. Try the following test
ctrans -d X11 gmeta
which is the non-interactive metacode translator. This should open a window and show ...
ctrans -d X11 gmeta
which is the non-interactive metacode translator. This should open a window and show ...
- Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:32 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: second order ODE in ROMS
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4619
Re: second order ODE in ROMS
The requirement of a very short time step must be due to a fast rate in your equations. First order schemes (like Euler) are almost always poor performers. That is, they give bad solutions but are not unstable for a short enough time step. Any of the schemes you mention should behave. The ~1 sec ...
- Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:15 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: second order ODE in ROMS
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4619
Re: second order ODE in ROMS
The problem you are having is not clear from your message. Any 2nd order ode can be set up as two coupled 1st order ode.
Have you tried solving the ODE with a different solver independent of ROMS? How small must the time step be to get a stable solution? If all else fails, code your own 2nd order ...
Have you tried solving the ODE with a different solver independent of ROMS? How small must the time step be to get a stable solution? If all else fails, code your own 2nd order ...
- Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:37 pm
- Forum: Job Opportunities
- Topic: Postdoc Opportunity at ODU. Antarctic Coastal Modeling
- Replies: 0
- Views: 2738
Postdoc Opportunity at ODU. Antarctic Coastal Modeling
Research Scientist in Oceanography. Full-time position: to participate in a National Science
Foundation-funded project that is focused on understanding the physical mechanisms controlling
cross-shelf exchange on Antarctic continental shelves and how this exchange relates to melting of
the base of ...
Foundation-funded project that is focused on understanding the physical mechanisms controlling
cross-shelf exchange on Antarctic continental shelves and how this exchange relates to melting of
the base of ...
- Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:13 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: integration of vertical speed for floats; types of floats?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 21038
Re: integration of vertical speed for floats; types of floats?
It looks like the vertical calculation is predictor-corrector unless the random walk is on.
I got lost in the cpp statements.
It should be possible to do the random walk with predictor-corrector. I will think about it, but it will be down my list of things to think about.
I got lost in the cpp statements.
It should be possible to do the random walk with predictor-corrector. I will think about it, but it will be down my list of things to think about.
- Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:19 pm
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: integration of vertical speed for floats; types of floats?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 21038
integration of vertical speed for floats; types of floats?
I have noticed in the step_floats routine, that an Euler forward time scheme is used to calculate the vertical position of the float while the horizontal position uses a predictor-corrector scheme. Is there any reason to do this? Has anyone tried the p-c scheme for the vertical equation?
As a ...
As a ...
- Thu May 08, 2008 5:48 pm
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: Using OPENMP on Sun AMD (intel) for solaris 10
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6785
- Thu May 08, 2008 5:17 pm
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: Using OPENMP on Sun AMD (intel) for solaris 10
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6785
Using OPENMP on Sun AMD (intel) for solaris 10
I am attempting to run the Upwelling test case on a Sun computer with 2 dual core opteron (AMD) chips with openmp. The calculation blows up in the first long step. Has anyone run ROMS with openmp on SUN opteron using the SunStudio 12 compilers? The OS is solaris 10.
Thanks in advance for your help ...
Thanks in advance for your help ...
- Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:59 am
- Forum: ROMS Ice
- Topic: SeaIce issues
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5108
- Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:57 pm
- Forum: ROMS Problems
- Topic: ROMS for highly stratified fuild
- Replies: 12
- Views: 16356
stratified problem
A baroclinic speed of 3 m/s seems pretty small for strong stratification. Using 320 m depth and a reduced gravity of 2.5 gives an internal wave speed of 28.3 m/s. With a grid spacing of 500 m, I get an internal time step of about 4 sec (making the courant number =1/4, which may not be small enough ...
- Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:05 pm
- Forum: ROMS Information
- Topic: Ice Shelf for ROMS
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4195
Ice Shelf for ROMS
Hi Hernan and Enrique,
I have done more work on the ice shelf startup. The problem with the current setup is that it assumes that the water in which the ice is floating is always rho(zice) , but since the density changes along the base of the ice, this leads to unphysical pressure gradients. Also ...
I have done more work on the ice shelf startup. The problem with the current setup is that it assumes that the water in which the ice is floating is always rho(zice) , but since the density changes along the base of the ice, this leads to unphysical pressure gradients. Also ...